Happy Teacher Appreciation week! As a thank you to all of the amazing teachers, I am going to do a few little giveaways this week. Before I get to the giveaway, I want to share an amazing teacher with you. When I was in 2nd grade I had the most amazing year. My teacher's name was Mr. Holt. He was the only male teacher in our elementary school. All of the kids loved him. I was very excited that I was lucky enough to be in his class. He told the most wonderful stories. Whenever we had an extra few minutes, he would go into a grand tale about Jack. Jack was a very mischievous boy and was always in trouble. Mr. Holt gave the characters exciting voices and incorporated his full body in his storytelling. When I began teaching, I contacted him and asked where he got all of his stories, because I wanted to be just like him. He was so kind to me and helped me find all of the best Jack Tales so that I could share them with my students. Mr. Holt is no longer teaching, but he will always have a great influence in my life.
Now for the giveaway! Head over to my facebook page. You will find all of the details there in the post with this picture. You can win a product of your choice from my store for you and a friend.
Make sure you check back tomorrow. I have a few more surprises cooked up for you all!
Thanks for your giveaway - this will be fun! :)