Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Funny: The Staring Contest

This is a true story from my classroom.  I love kids and how they think!


Sunday, January 21, 2018

National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day is January 24.  Take a minute and write a compliment to a few peers.  They need to hear something they are doing well.  This will make you both feel better.  I am including 2 templates that you can print and write a compliment on for a student or a peer.  I hope you enjoy this freebie.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Teachable Moments - Social Skills

I love teaching social skills in the middle of an activity when the opportunity arises.  The other day, I was playing a board game with a small group of students.  After a few minutes, they began to disagree about the rules.  The kids weren't upset, but could not agree.  I decided it was the perfect opportunity for a social skills lesson.

While the kids continued to argue, I shoved the game board off of the table, sending pieces flying everywhere.  (Classic kid move.) . The kids stopped mid-argument and stared at me in disbelief.   I asked them several questions:  How did that make you feel?  Was my reaction appropriate?  Do you want to play games with someone who reacts the way I did?  When you are in a similar situation and feeling frustrated, how can you make a better choice?

At the end of the conversation, the students really seemed to get the idea.  My teaching assistant returned to class and the students were excited to tell her that I made a giant mess with the game.  One student explained the situation to her like this:  "She's Miley Cyrus!  She came in like a wrecking ball!""

We talk about this incidence often.  The kids like to refer back to it because I was the one who learned a lesson.  What are some of your favorite teachable moments?


Monday, January 15, 2018

When do you give up?

Teaching is hard.  There are many things that make teaching hard but the hardest part is working with children who are broken and strong willed and try your patience in almost every situation.  You know, the child that argues, refuses to follow any rules, leaves class when he wants, sleeps, refuses to complete work, picks on other students, interrupts your teaching, yells out/cusses, is physically aggressive, and the list keeps going.  There are lots of reasons teachers don't want "that" kid in their room.  They require an insane amount of energy on the best days.  So, how long do you try?  When do you call it quits?  When do you decide the child is beyond hope and unable to change?  When do you stop trying?

The moment you give up on a child, he has nothing left.  More often than not, we are the child's last hope, their last advocate.  If you give up and stop trying, the child will fulfill the negative messages they have heard their entire lives.

So, when do you give up on a child? The answer for each of us may be different.  My answer is NEVER. I guess that's why God gave me an extra dose of stubborn when he made me.  He knew I would need it daily to get through life.

I know teaching is tough, but you are tougher.  Hang in there, my friend.  You are making a difference!   #NeverGiveUp

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Teacher Mom Life Hacks

I don't know about you, but being a teacher-mom is hard and exhausting.  The last thing I want to do when I get home is to cook dinner.  We eat out way too much and we have all gained too much weight.  Every year I promise to do better, but after about 1 day, I fall apart.  I just can't do it all.  I found an amazing site that will help you get 5 meals on your table in less than an hour of prep time over the weekend.  I know what you're thinking.  I didn't believe it either.  And on top of it being possible, your kitchen will NOT look like this!

My secret is 5 Dinners 1 Hour.  You can choose the meals your family will eat for the week.  The site will create a grocery list and all of the recipes for you to print out.  You spend an hour or less prepping everything for the week.  Each day, you either throw the meal you prepped into the crock pot before school or on a sheet pan when you get home from school.  You only have the 1 cooking dish and whatever dishes your family uses during the meal.  It's sooooo easy and delicious. 

I know you want in.  Here's my affiliate link:

The recipes are actually kid friendly.  My very picky kids actually have loved all of the recipes we have tried so far.  The recipes are healthy and easy.  If you're lucky enough to have leftovers, they are great for lunch.
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