Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 Phases of Teaching

This will make you smile! We all need a good laugh. It helps to keep you young. Afterall, if you can't laugh at yourself (especially if you're a teacher or parent) you are going to do a lot of crying. Hope you like this. It made my day!

Well, I can't get it to link. So copy and paste for a good laugh!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Success Stories

I have finally got my class reading!  We have the Accelerate Reader program at our school.  Students read books and take a test on the computer to earn points.  The harder the book, the more points it is worth.  The books my students are able to read are worth half a point. I have 13 students in my class and half are 'non-readers." My class has earned 935 AR points as of today.  That means my students have read or listened to over 1800 books!!  My students read so much I actually have to fuss at them for reading while I'm teaching.  I have had to threaten to turn off the computers so they cannot test for an entire day if they don't stop reading long enough for me to teach a whole lesson. The students who can read, have made more progress in fluency and comprehension this year than they ever had!  I hope this is a "problem" I continue to have!  I love that my kids are reading!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life in Special Education

Here's my first attempt at blogging.  I am trying to join the digital age and find other special education teachers who want to share ideas, ask for help, and look for solutions to help some of our more challenging students to learn and to be successful.
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