All four students were in the 4th grade last year and I was tracking their reading fluency on the 2nd-grade level.
Beginning of 4th-grade Words Correct Per Minute
Student 1: 15 words
Student 2: 20 words
Student 3: 24 words
Student 4: 23 words
At the end of the year, they increased to the following (still on 2nd-grade level):
Student 1: 55 words (266% increase)
Student 2: 44 words 120% increase)
Student 3: 37 words (54% increase)
Student 4: 86 words (274% increase)
I was thrilled with these results. We started back to school and I did my beginning of the year assessments. As I tested each student, I ask how much they read over the summer and if they participated in any type of tutoring services. Student 4 was the only one to read over the summer and said he was tutored by a family member. The others said they didn't read anything or do any type of school work.
I am required to give each student a reading fluency probe on their grade level and each grade below until I find the grade level they are reading between the 10th and 25th percentile. My students tested at the following grades/words per minute:
Beginning of 5th grade:
Student 1: 4th-grade level 66 words per minute
Student 2: 4th-grade level 68 words per minute
Student 3: 2nd-grade 42 words per minute
Student 4: 5th-grade level 107 words per minute
With this much progress, I can no longer justify pulling 3/4 of these kids out of the general education reading curriculum. They are back with their peers with minimal support services!
I am not a brain expert but I think it's because of how the words are chunked and the syllables are marked. It helps the students understand how multi-syllable words can be attacked. They are able to see the smaller parts and sound them out which allows them to begin to internalize how to attack larger, more challenging words. I am most fascinated that all of the students showed even more growth after the summer even though they didn't read.
If you need an easy reading curriculum for your students, this is the program for you. It has everything you need (all teacher lessons and student worksheets.) Since it is digital, you can make as many copies as your kids need and use it year after year. You can also project the teacher pages on your whiteboard which will save you a ton of copies. Also, the student pages have been updated and you can now assign them as Google Slides!
You can find it {HERE}

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