Monday, April 9, 2012

Split Class & Multi-Age Linky Party

Mrs. Bainbridge's Class is hosting a linky party for tips on how to teach a multi-age class.  Head over to her blog and check out all of the link-ups!

Mrs. Bainbridge's Class

I teach a k-5th grade special ed class (very much like the old one room school house)  I currently have 14 students with one full time and one part time teaching assistant.  I could never do my job without them.  About half of my students take the regular state assessment and the other half participate in the portfolio or alternate assessment.

I begin our day teaching written language as a whole group lesson.  My TA helps my 1st graders who have a more difficult time with writing.  We move into whole group reading.  Again my TA moves around the room and helps those who are struggling.  All three of us take a small group for reading.  Small groups are divided on instructional level, not grade level.  I also teach math whole group and small group.  Again, everyone is divided by instructional level.  I teach science, social studies, and health whole group.  My TA steps in and helps those who need it.  All of my students go to special area classes with their grade level.  The only time my classroom is empty is when go to computer lab and library once a week as a class.  I have "planning" time at the end of the day while my students do learning stations or sensory stations.  It seems like I blink and the entire day is gone!



  1. Kindergarten through 5th grade sounds insane. I can't even wrap my head around that!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

    1. I just stumbled on to your page. Both this one and Marvelous Multiagers! Aug 30th I start my first day as a k-5 special ed teacher. This is my FIRST full time teaching job....i've taught all of those grades just not all at the same time. I was about to start crying when I found out, but decided that it was not the thing to do... so here I am. I turned those tears into determination and i'm on a mission to collect as much info as I can on suggestions on how to run my classroom the best way possible. Thank you both for your blogs. I'm sure i WOULD be crying right now if I hadn't found them. ALL THE BEST to you and have a great year!! I'm starting my blog too thanks to you.

    2. I start my first full time teaching position on Monday. Yes,WITH ONLY ONE MONTH LEFT OF SCHOOL!!!! At least, I get a taste of how it will be when school starts in August because I too will be teaching K-5 Special Ed. I see now that this blog site will be quite helpful for me.

  2. Karla,
    Thank you for posting the electronic pocket chart! I can hardly wait to download it for my Smartboard. I really apprecite you sharing this with the rest of us!
    An Open Door

  3. Wow- you have quite a load! Thanks for linking up and sharing your ideas!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog


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